What is ARISE
ARISE seeks to provide professional development focused on understanding, preventing and intervening in Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), which is guided by the work done with our Young Women’s Program. It is suitable for caseworkers, residential workers, support/outreach workers, team leaders, managers, organisational leaders, school wellbeing staff, counsellors, general practitioners, health care workers, community workers and anyone working to support young people. It is made up of two 3-hour modules, which will be conducted online.
Module 1: Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation
This online module provides an opportunity to build on your knowledge about pathways into Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), the fundamental elements of CSE theory and elements of effective therapeutic interventions. You will hear about the work done in the Young Women’s Program and have the opportunity of listening to those with lived experience of CSE and staff who work alongside them.
Module 2: Responding to Child Sexual Exploitation
This online module builds on concepts and understanding from module 1, incorporating the social model of consent, CSE in residential care, and power and control. You will have the opportunity to learn how to use Insight Cards*, an interactive resource aiming to promote a better understanding of CSE among frontline professionals, children and young people.
Apply Promo Code Combined2021 to receive a $50 discount when registering for Combined Modules 1 & 2 – don’t forget to select ‘apply’ in order to add to payment schedule.

ARISE Online Workshops 2025
Rebecca Stockdale has been involved with St Kilda Gatehouse since 2016. She is a Lecturer in Public Health in the School of Health and Social Development at Deakin University. Her research area of focus is on women involved in street-based sex work and through this, she has gained knowledge about the experiences of young women and girls and the impacts of Child Sexual Exploitation and trauma. She has a background in health education and health promotion, Aboriginal health and education, as well as working in community health with marginalised population groups.
*Insight Cards are a visual therapeutic tool developed by St Kilda Gatehouse. This tool is a story-stem package of 40 visual cards, which depict various risk and protective factors associated with CSE and can be used in either group settings or individually. The cards are supported by a workbook that guides discussion, questions, and reflective practices.
Module 1 (Online)
$270 +GST
Friday 4 April, 2025
Module 2 (Online)
$270 +GST
Friday 11 April, 2025
Pre-requisite is completion of Module 1.
Combined Module 1 + 2 (Online)
$490 +GST (discount $50)
4 & 11 April, 2025
Use promo code Combined2025
Student and Group (5+) discounts available. Please email arise@stkildagatehouse.org.au for more information.
Insight Cards:
For any bookings or discount enquiries please email arise@stkildagatehouse.org.au
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) TERMS
Sexual exploitation includes both actual or attempted abuse of a vulnerable person for sexual purposes, involving but not limited to, the monetary, social or political profit by the perpetrator. Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of child sexual abuse perpetrated against young people and children (UN Glossary, 2016), CSE is said to have occurred in the presence of attempted abuse via the use of technology and/or online grooming.
Research shows that estimating the amount of CSE globally is extremely difficult, due to its covert nature and under-reporting (Smith, 2016). It’s common to assume that exploitation occurs mostly to vulnerable youth; for example, CSE amongst an out of home care population in Australia
In the Ireland et al (2015) study, the majority of young people were approached for sexual activity (when they were less than 16 years old) by an adult using online grooming methods via mobile phones and other digitally based technology. This is consistent from evidence from Australia, with young people approached online via social media networks, snapchat, and even gumtree .
Research has brought to light the ways a young person may be vulnerable to sexual exploitation. In this literature, indicators are termed ‘risk’ and ‘protective’ factors. Some literature also discusses the presence of push (i.e., vulnerability factors that push a young person into CSE, such as loneliness, or violence at home) and pull factors (i.e., factors which lure a young person into CSE, such as coercion, manipulation or an illusion of relationship).
“These tools encourage a young persons growth and recovery. Enabling access to support and a safe way of sharing their story when they struggle to find words to describe their experience. All young people deserve to be shown dignity and taught about choice. To be given the opportunity to learn about self-love and respect and the courage to find their voice and take their power back”
— Carrie Bailee (Author of Flying on Broken Wings)